The list of countries where we can help is growing all of the time, if the jusrisdiction that you are interested in is not listed below contact our experts for more information.
Africa and the Middle East
We can help you to deploy contractors to most countries in Africa and the Middle East, please contact us for details.
We can ensure that you are able to work legally in Germany within a few days. Please contact us for more details.
We can quickly help you to register with all of the relevant authorities and make sure that you will be paid in a compliant and tax efficient manner taking advantage of the special tax rate available for overseas contractors.
Our Belgian solution is quick and easy to set up. Contact us for more information.
We can employ your contractors in Switzerland and contract with your clients. Contractors will enjoy the lowest possible tax deductions.
Oue Swedish company will ensure that your clients and contractors comply with all local tax laws and we will keep costs to a minimum.
The tax laws for overseas staff working in the Netherlands are complex. Our local experts will advise on the most efficient way to payroll your contract workforce.
Contractors working in Ireland need to negotiate a complex tax regime. We can make sure that your workforce is compliant with all of the Irish tax laws and are able to claim every tax deduction available to them.
Our Cyprus solution can pay contractors worldwide subject to local rules. Please contact us for more information.